An innovative project that aims to produce market packaging solutions on a global scale that are greener, more digital, and more inclusive
Embalagem do Futuro® envisages the creation of new products, services, and production lines capable of producing sustainable packaging, from raw materials to product design, engineering, molds and tools, processing and manufacturing, information systems, and digital transition, social marketing, collection, and recycling.
Our evolution
May and June
Following the work of the Social Economic Office of the Leiria region, made up of IPLeiria, CIMRL and NERLEI, a process began to structure an impactful project for the region and the country, around the theme of Packaging.
The 3 entities that make up the GES are joined by VANGEST, as the Leader of the Consortium, and INOVA+, as a consultant and integrator of the application process
Submission of the “Packaging of the Future” Expression of Interest to PRR Notice N.º 01/C05-i01/2021
Approval of the “Packaging of the Future” Expression of Interest
Submission of the “Packaging of the Future” application to PRR Notice N.º 02/C05-i01/2022. 70 applications were submitted to this call.
The Agendas Coordination Committee decides on the pre-selection for negotiation of the “Packaging of the Future” application as a Green Agenda for Business Innovation. 29 applications for the Mobilizing Agendas for Business Innovation and 22 applications for the Green Agendas for Business Innovation were pre-selected.
IAPMEI approves the “Packaging of the Future” application and funding.
VANGEST, leader of the consortium, signs one of the first 13 contracts of the Mobilizing Agendas for Business Innovation, within the scope of the Recovery and Resilience Plan, at a ceremony presided over by Prime Minister António Costa.
Kick-off meeting of the “Packaging of the Future” Consortium.
Packaging of the Future trademark granted by the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI)
Signing of a new Consortium Acceptance Agreement and Contract due to changes in the consortium
Presentation of Packaging of the Future at the 1st Annual Meeting of Mobilizing Agendas in Leiria
Submission to IAPMEI of the 1st request for payment from 56 consortium members of Packaging of the Future with a total value around 22M€
Presentation the results of PPS19 – Human Resources Training and Upskilling – Skills for the Future, from Packaging of the Future at the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria.
Presentation of the results of PPS14 – FARM2FORK, at the Caldas da Rainha Cultural and Congress Center.
Presentation of Packaging of the Future at the 2nd Annual Meeting of Mobilizing Agendas in Santa Maria da Feira.
The trajectory and milestones reached during the application process and the development of the project. “Embalagem do Futuro +ecológica +digital +inclusiva” is a project that arose from an application (no. 59) submitted, under the terms of IAPMEI AAC Notice no. 02/C05-i01/2022, to the Green Agendas/Alliances for Business Innovation of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR).
Axes of Action
Sustainable packaging solutions
Sustainable packaging
production –
Factories and processes
Training and updating human resources –
Skills for the future
Qualification and Internationalization of Solutions
Project management, promotion and dissemination of results
Maio e Junho
Na sequência dos trabalhos do Gabinete Económico Social da Região de Leiria (GESRL), constituído por IPLeiria, CIMRL, NERLEI, iniciou-se um processo de estruturação de um Projeto impactante para a região e para o país, em torno do tema da Embalagem.
Juntam-se às 3 entidades que constituem o GES, a VANGEST, enquanto Líder do Consórcio, e a INOVA+, enquanto consultora e integradora do processo de candidatura
Submissão da Manifestação de Interesse “Embalagem do Futuro” ao Aviso N.º 01/C05-i01/2021 do PRR
Aprovação da Manifestação de Interesse da “Embalagem do Futuro” para a fase seguinte
Submissão da candidatura da “Embalagem do Futuro” ao Aviso N.º 02/C05-i01/2022 do PRR. Foram apresentadas 70 candidaturas a este aviso.
A Comissão de Coordenação das Agendas decide pela pré-seleção para negociação da Candidatura “Embalagem do Futuro” como Agenda Verde para a Inovação Empresarial. Foram pré-selecionadas 29 candidaturas para as Agendas Mobilizadoras para Inovação Empresarial e 22 candidaturas para as Agendas Verdes para a Inovação Empresarial.
O IAPMEI aprova a candidatura e o financiamento da “Embalagem do Futuro”.
A VANGEST, líder do Consórcio, assina um dos 13 primeiros contratos das Agendas Mobilizadoras para a Inovação Empresarial, no âmbito do Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência, numa cerimónia presidida pelo Primeiro-Ministro António Costa.
Realiza-se a reunião de kick-off do Consórcio “Embalagem do Futuro”
Marca Embalagem do Futuro® concedida pelo Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI)
Assinatura de um novo Termo de Aceitação e Contrato de Consórcio em virtude de alterações do Consórcio
Apresentação da Embalagem do Futuro® no 1.º Encontro Anual das Agendas Mobilizadoras em Leiria
Submissão ao IAPMEI do 1.º pedido de pagamento de 56 consorciadas da Embalagem do Futuro® com um valor total de cerca de 22M€
May and June
Following the work of the Social Economic Office of the Leiria region, made up of IPLeiria, CIMRL and NERLEI, a process began to structure an impactful project for the region and the country, around the theme of Packaging.
The 3 entities that make up the GES are joined by VANGEST, as the Leader of the Consortium, and INOVA+, as a consultant and integrator of the application process
Submission of the “Packaging of the Future” Expression of Interest to PRR Notice N.º 01/C05-i01/2021
Approval of the “Packaging of the Future” Expression of Interest
Submission of the “Packaging of the Future” application to PRR Notice N.º 02/C05-i01/2022. 70 applications were submitted to this call.
The Agendas Coordination Committee decides on the pre-selection for negotiation of the “Packaging of the Future” application as a Green Agenda for Business Innovation. 29 applications for the Mobilizing Agendas for Business Innovation and 22 applications for the Green Agendas for Business Innovation were pre-selected.
IAPMEI approves the “Packaging of the Future” application and funding.
VANGEST, leader of the consortium, signs one of the first 13 contracts of the Mobilizing Agendas for Business Innovation, within the scope of the Recovery and Resilience Plan, at a ceremony presided over by Prime Minister António Costa.
Kick-off meeting of the “Packaging of the Future” Consortium.
Packaging of the Future trademark granted by the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI)
Signing of a new Consortium Acceptance Agreement and Contract due to changes in the consortium
Presentation of Packaging of the Future at the 1st Annual Meeting of Mobilizing Agendas in Leiria
Submission to IAPMEI of the 1st request for payment from 56 consortium members of Packaging of the Future with a total value around 22M€
Presentation the results of PPS19 – Human Resources Training and Upskilling – Skills for the Future, from Packaging of the Future at the School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria.
Presentation of the results of PPS14 – FARM2FORK, at the Caldas da Rainha Cultural and Congress Center.
Presentation of Packaging of the Future at the 2nd Annual Meeting of Mobilizing Agendas in Santa Maria da Feira.
Evento de apresentação de resultados da PPS19 – Human Resources Training and Upskilling – Skills for the Future, da Embalagem do Futuro® na Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria
Evento de apresentação de resultados da PPS14 – FARM2FORK, no Centro Cultural e de Congressos das Caldas da Rainha.
Apresentação da Embalagem do Futuro® no 2.º Encontro Anual das Agendas Mobilizadoras em Santa Maria da Feira.